Social Labour Convergence Program

In April 2019, International Associates Limited became an accredited Verifier body of SLCP – The Social Labor Convergence Program.

SLCP provides a Converged Assessment Framework that aims to improve working conditions in global apparel and footwear factories. International Associates Limited provides Verifiers to suppliers and brands. Carrying out on-site verification using the data collation tool.

What is SLCP?

SLCP is a multi-stakeholder program aiming to improve working conditions within the global apparel and footwear sectors. SLCP has over 200 signatories, including manufacturers, brands, civil society, standard holders, (inter) governmental organizations, and service providers. SLCP signatories jointly develop and maintain the Converged Assessment Framework.

Collaborating on this program enables both International Associates Limited, suppliers, Brands and SLCP to jointly meet the mission to improve working conditions in the global apparel and footwear industries and positively impact the people working in supply chains.

Using International Associates as a Verifier Body

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Converged Assessment Framework?

The Converged Assessment Framework consists of a Data Collection Tool, Verification Protocol and Verifier Guidance. The first step in the process is a self-assessment questionnaire using the Data Collection Tool. The facility (supplier) completes information about the health, safety and working conditions of their site.

A customer organisation will request a facility to undertake an assessment and the facility will complete this. The facility’s responses are then verified by an SLCP verifying body using the Verification Protocol and Verifier Guidance. The verified assessment is shared with the customer via the platform.

What are the benefits of completing the program?

A verified assessment can be shared with multiple apparel and footwear customers who use the SLCP framework. This aims to eliminate audit fatigue – eliminate duplication and reduce the number of social and labor audits, by replacing current proprietary assessment tools.

The customers (buyers) aim for a verified assessment is to help educate suppliers to improve their site working conditions and take ownership of the results, to become a responsible business. It also promotes collaboration, helping to produce programs for lasting improvements.

What is an accredited host?

An accredited host provides SLCP with a platform for SLCP assessments to be uploaded and verified by a verifying body.

What is the SLCP Assessment Process?

Step 1 – Collect data

Facilities complete a self-assessment questionnaire about their site in the Data Collection Tool.

Step 2 – Verify the data

A verifier will check that the data is complete and correct using the Verification Protocol and Verifier Guidance. A Verifier Oversight Organization (VOO) will be in place to approve verifiers and perform quality checks.

Step 3 – Share the data an approved Host

The verified assessments are shared through an approved host and through the SLCP distribution gateway.

What is the difference between an audit and an SLCP assessment?

An audit is a set of questions that a third-party auditor will complete about a site’s labor, health and safety conditions against a standard or compliance level, and can also include information about business ethics and the environment. This is then shared with the supplier and shared with a customer.

The SLCP verification process allows a facility (supplier) to complete a self-assessment of their site labor, health and safety conditions. In this way, the supplier is an active participant in their facility’s own data collection.

This facility takes ownership of any required actions from the verification report, relating to improving health, safety, or working conditions. The report is then verified by a third party. The facility retains ownership of their data and can decide with whom they want to share their verified data.

SLCP helps to deliver verified data that can be uploaded to different systems. Sedex/HIGG/FFR is then able to provide facilities with the tools and resources to analyze this data and manage their own improvements to their site.

What is the difference between an audit and an SLCP assessment?

The SLCP verified assessment program is specific to the apparel, garment and footwear sector and is recognized by many apparel and footwear brands and retailers. You can access the full list of SLCP signatories here.

The SLCP verification process allows a facility (supplier) to complete a self-assessment of their site labor, health and safety conditions. In this way, the supplier is an active participant in their facility’s own data collection.

This facility takes ownership of any required actions from the verification report, relating to improving health, safety, or working conditions. The report is then verified by a third party. The facility retains ownership of their data and can decide with whom they want to share their verified data.

SLCP helps to deliver verified data that can be uploaded to different systems. Sedex/HIGG/FFR is then able to provide facilities with the tools and resources to analyze this data and manage their own improvements to their site.

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