International Associates (iA) operates as an independent third party certification body within the field of Social Accountability and Labour Standards, therefore, it is crucial due to the nature of this business that we actively engage and have effective two-way communications with relevant stakeholder organisations. The objective of engagement stakeholders is iA to identify the applicability of social auditing as an approach of engaging stakeholders in assessing and reporting on corporate sustainability and its performance. iA engage with stakeholders through direct memberships of trade bodies non-governmental organisations, educational establishments and the general public.

Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA)
APSCA is the industry association created to support individuals and organizations by promoting the use of independent social compliance audits as a tool to advance workplace conditions globally. The Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA) was created to enhance the professionalism, integrity and credibility of auditors and organisations who conduct independent social compliance audits, and to promote the use of independent social compliance audits as a tool to advance workplace conditions for workers around the world. All Social Accountability Auditors within International Associates are within the APSCA system and 80% have achieved Registered status, which means they are ready to take the APSCA examinations when they are launched. IA is one of the first member firms accepted as “Provisional Member” during the APSCA’s start-up phase.

Association of British Certification Bodies (ABCB)
The Association of British Certification Bodies (ABCB) is the UK Trade Association for nationally accredited certification bodies. ABCB actively promotes nationally accredited certification and works with government departments, trading standards, purchasers and specifiers, UKAS and other stakeholders to promote its benefits. It is recognised by Government, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), and a wide range of organisations as the lead UK trade association for nationally accredited third-party certification bodies. Membership of ABCB is restricted to certification bodies that are accredited by UKAS, or another recognized national accreditation body, or that are actively seeking national accreditation.

Good Business Charter
The Good Business Charter is a simple accreditation which organisations in the UK can sign up to in recognition of responsible business practices.
It measures behaviour over 10 components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing, and prompt payment.
The Good Business Charter is an initiative of the Good Business Foundation, a charity registered in England and Wales. The CBI (Confederation of British Industry) and the TUC (Trades Union Congress) both have trustee representation on the board of the Good Business Foundation to ensure that the voices of business and employees are heard.

Hope for justice
Hope for justice is a UK basedcharity that aims to act against Modern Slavery.
Prevent: Their outreach teams, self-help groups and community education initiatives empower people to protect themselves and their families from predatory traffickers and their recruiters.
Rescue: Their specialist teams work closely with police to identify victims of modern slavery, build bridges of trust with them and remove them from exploitation and into safety.
Restore: They work with victims to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. Offering tailored restorative care initiatives and offer support to meet vital needs, including survivor-centred aftercare.
Reform: They train professionals to spot the signs of trafficking and to respond, and campaign for policy change. Helping businesses protect their operations and supply chains from modern slavery.

Living Wage Foundation
Living Wage Foundation Offers accreditation to employers that pay the independently-calculated Living Wage rates to all staff in London and the United Kingdom, or those committed to an agreed timetable of implementation, by awarding the Living Wage Employer Mark. The campaign for Living Wage was started by Citizens UK – the national home of community organizing, in 2001. The Living Wage has since gained support from successive London Mayors, MPs across all parties and the Scottish Government – helping to grow the movement across all four nations of the United Kingdom. International Associates is one of the organizations in the private sector accredited by the foundation.

Productivity Club Scotland
Scotland’s Productivity Club is a membership organisation designed by businesses, for businesses with an ambition to improve and support business . This industry-led Club will be driven by organisations that are passionate about business growth who will support one another to focus on productivity within their organisations.
focusing on:
- Recruitment
- Digital adoption
- Future planning and strategy
- Leadership and management
- Employee engagement and wellbeing
- Data utilisation
- Signposting to available support, funding and training opportunities.

Scottish Lifesciences Association
International Associates is a member fo the Scottish Lifesciences Association. With over 130 members, life sciences and medical companies of all types and sizes, the Scottish Lifesciences Association is the voice of Scotland’s vibrant life sciences industries to investors, NHSScotland, the Scottish and UK Governments, and the wider community. They are member-driven through 15 Special Interest Groups and four sub-groups. Delivering on every aspect of members’ businesses, helping each other to attract investment and increase business activity, and engaging with the NHS and Government to grow the life sciences sector in Scotland.

Slave Free Alliance
Slave-Free Alliance is a membership scheme for businesses of all sizes who want to protect and enhance their reputations and improve the quality of the products and services they offer by ensuring the workers providing and producing them are not exploited, while also meeting their compliance requirements, improving their public image, and acting in an ethical and responsible way towards their workforce. It is a best practice minimum standard and a brand showing steps taken towards compliance obligations, as well as an anti-slavery ‘mark’ that demonstrates a positive, ethical statement of commitment. It’s a membership scheme for small, medium and large businesses and organisations from the public and voluntary sectors. Joining Slave-Free Alliance offers you a coherent and thought-through solution to a complex and growing risk area.

The European Association for Medical Devices – PRRC
International Associates Limited is an active member of The European Association of Persons Responsible for Regulatory Compliance of Medical Devices – PRRC, TEAM-PRRC (The European Association for Medical Devices – PRRC) is the not-for profit European Association dedicated to the new profession of “Person responsible for regulatory compliance” (PRRC) which originated in Article 15 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) and in Article 15 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR) of the European Parliament and the Medical Device Council. The Association was created to help PRRCs to more confidently assume this new profession which has considerable responsibilities in the design, manufacture, and supply of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic devices.

UKARA UK Authorised Representatives Association
UKARA is the trade association of UK Authorised Representatives (also known as Responsible Persons). UKARA was originally founded to serve as an association of UK Authorised Representatives for the medical device industry but now represents all UK Authorised Representatives / Responsible Persons (UKAR/RP).
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