
Audits are among the tools Adidas uses to assess its business partners’ level of compliance with Adidas Workplace Standards and support its ongoing efforts to conduct human rights and environmental due diligence, including consideration of labor rights and occupational health and safety.

Business partners must comply fully with all legal requirements relevant to the conduct of their businesses and must adopt and follow practices which safeguard human rights, workers’ employment rights, safety and the environment.

Over the course of a supplier’s relationship with Adidas, they may undergo several different audits related to our social and environmental standards.

International Associates is able to audit your system against the Adidas standards.

Adidas Workplace / Employment Standards

All audits are conducted against the Adidas Workplace Standards which comprises of the following requirements:

Adidas Audit Types

Type of Audit


Scope of Audit

Initial Assessment (IA)

To assess newly proposed factories against Zero Tolerance (ZT) and Threshold Issues (TI).

  • All Zero Tolerance and Threshold Issues (ZT&TI),
  • Management Commitment Evaluation (MCE) and Management System Evaluation (MSE)

Initial Assessment Follow-Up

To determine whether the factory has remedied all Threshold Issues which were identified in an IA and that no new ZT or TIs exist.

  • All ZT & TI, MCE and MSE, similar to an IA.
  • All the open issues from the IA must be assessed. Scope is used for all the second visits where the first designation of the factory is either “SEA Rejected with Second Visit”, "Compliance Override - High Risk", or “SEA Accepted--Subject to Conditions”.

Performance Audit (PA)

To monitor compliance in existing suppliers against all areas of adidas’ Workplace Standards & Guidelines

  • All code provisions including ZT & TI, MCE and MSE must be reported on.
  • Auditors should also report all identified non-compliances from any other categories of non-compliances that fall outside the scope of ZT/TI.
  • All the open issues from the previous audits and any allegations shared by third parties must also be assessed.

Performance Audit Follow Up

To verify remediation of existing open issues (TI or NC) only. This is not a full scope PA.

  • Only issues that requires immediate attention
  • ZT/TI and other required code provision can be skipped in this type of focused audit.

Desktop Performance Assessment (PA)2

Same as PA but conducted remotely by an auditor instead of being physically onsite.

  • Same as PA but should have prior agreement by SEA Director, as it should only be used if physical PA cannot be conducted.

Special Investigation

To investigate allegations based on third-party complaints, or issues that may have been identified in another assessment that requires further investigation by a subject matter expert.

  • The scope is limited to the specific focus area of the investigation.
Contact Us

For more information about our services please contact us by using our contact form, by phone or drop us an email. We will be pleased to assist you.

Alternatively get a quote by filling in our enquiry form